Our crew was lined up to begin pulling the 8 floats in the 2024 Fiesta Parade at 6:30 am. We were out and onto the streets at our assigned time, weaving through the street closure obstacles to fine tune our ability to judge where the float might contact the curb.

Kirk took the lead float which had an early horseless carriage and two sister with ties back to Fiesta in the sixties.

Next Brent and Noel pulled a float with many Former Spirits of Fiesta while others in the group walked.

Next in float line was the Carvers pulling the Chumash float

Followed by Liz

Next was the Allen group

Followed by Richard and Christina

Then Art

And commanding the 8th float was Mike and his group of dancers rocking the parade route

The 100 year celebration of the Fiesta Parade was a complete success. No mechanical, human, or logistical surprises foiled our contribution to the event.
Viva La Fiesta!
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